Your Partner in Executing Reliable Tax and Accounting Solutions

CASTORO Tax & Accounting is a virtual account company that doesn’t adhere to strict corporate rules while providing reasonable pricing for our services. We strive to meet your deadlines, and we do the following to help you achieve your goals:

  • Maintain individual and firm licenses in good standing as required by the state;
  • Use proprietary planning and reporting processes to update our clients;
  • Provide one-on-one assistance to clients as dictated by their specific cases.

Our History

CASTORO Tax & Accounting was established in July 2021 by Octama Castor, CPA. Our founder has over 20 years of experience in providing accounting services. Before establishing the company, he worked with large to medium-sized companies.

We strategically positioned our company in the market to take advantage of the expected growth and increased demand for account services. Our company provides tailored services to businesses and helps them sustain their expansions.

Why Work With Us?

At CASTORO Tax & Accounting, our team members are flexible, professional, courteous, and efficient while providing expert advice. Our company upholds the following core values: accuracy, integrity, reliability, and transparency.

We are a virtual company without a lot of overhead costs or strict corporate rules, which saves time, and money and creates a flexible workplace for getting things done fast and providing high-quality services to customers at a reasonable price.

Accounting service

Talk to Our Accountants

If you want assistance in preparing financial statements, business improvements, preparing income taxes, and more, you may set an appointment with our accountants. We are happy to discuss the best solutions that work for you.